Saturday, October 18, 2008

Community Based Training is COMPLETED! We are all happy to pass this chapter and to get ready for the next. Monday we get our official placement sites and then Tuesday we leave to visit them for five days. After that we swear in as Peace Corps Volunteers and off we go to our sites....all by ourselves. It is somewhat frightening, but inevitable and part of the experience. Here are some more pictures from CBT.

Playing duck duck elefant (I couldn't remember how to say goose).

Reading to kids at the school.
The books for the library that I was working to get actually did arrive. Just in time, the day before we left.

Yes, that is me breaking the ground with a pico.

This is our little test garden we made in training.

At the beach our last weekend of CBT. We had so much fun jumping off you would have thought we were at a theme park.

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