These two pics are from the volunteer visit last weekend. This little beach was only a fifteen minute walk from the volunteer’s house. Though the beach was rocky and the water not as clear as others it was still a nice addition to her site. I love the food here, but I must say I was beyond pleased by our first non-Dominican meal. Peanut butter and bananas, yogurt, and a coca cola zero.
My Dona´s grandbabies and me
One of the potential projects we can undertake during our service is chickens. I never realized how complicated it is to care for and keep chickens producing yummy, nutritious eggs. These pictures are of us building a chicken coop for the local chicken man. It was more of a team building exercise than anything, but hopefully the hens will get to use it a bit. Outside of the gallos (roosters/cocks) that have good fighting potential, most chickens here roam free.
Cock fighting is extremely popular in the DR. Cocks that have good fighting potential are often the only ones kept in coops and are just let out for training. Cocks fight naturally. There can only be one rooster in a a little herd of chickens (I realize I am not using the correct chicken word here) or they will fight till one dies or is seriously injured. Above is a picture of two cocks from different houses. They put them down and they just went after one another.
1 comment:
I hope that you past a great times with your family and friends.
Really I¨m on vacation here(Santo Domingo) and this is so wonderfull...well if you can go to my blog and we can talk later...bye
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